Given how regularly we get people rush in to tell us that we cannot question anything from outside the USA because of cultural reasons (never mind that neither of us is from the USA, or even near it) – this is kind of darkly hilarious.
Apparently Nintendo’s judgement is only unquestionable as long as they’re pandering to entitled straight men – as soon as that stops it’s an evil conspiracy to censor video games involving one or more of the following:
Everyone in politics from religious conservatives to liberal activists
“the Internet police”
The developers not “wanting the game to succeed”
the singular group of people who are the only ones who ever have concerns (except about censorship?)
Numerous groups zealot groups unique to western culture (as if God of War III was never altered for Japanese release)
Of course, it goes without saying that one can never include pandering in these video games – even when it’s fan service labeled “fan service” it’s always there for deep artistic reasons.
Speaking of which, my favourite part of the comments was this justification and insistence that these costumes are essential in a franchise which is about going around haunted houses, taking photos of ghosts with magic cameras:
If you have written an article, column, etc for somewhere else but you want to share it and you’re free to do you may absolutely submit it (or a link to the original publishing if it’s online and accessible).
Freya from Battlerite totally proves this is a very creative game… she’s such an originalViking/Norse lady with her flimsy bikini top, two Mjolnirs and horned headpiece totally not similar to what Marvel’s Loki wears in their female form.
Gotta say, though, from waist down the design would be fine… too bad the artists are firmly in the club of designers who think that Vikings invented either the bikini or metal boob cups.