Okay, so Battleborn is out of open beta and fully available, it’s probably a good time to talk Galilea (who was accidentally left out of the original post) and how her attire is both a great and very negative example.  Breakdown below:

Now I must stress, the overall design is pretty great – except for what looks like the boobplate/gorget combination that actually invites and assists people in hitting her in the heart.  And it seems for the most part the developers agree given how often she hides it from the viewer:

Why do I suspect Creepy Marketing Guy had everythingsomething to do with this happening in an otherwise awesome outfit and lineup?

– wincenworks

So, last time we shared a poster from the upcoming Warcraft movie – there was a concern among people that we were being unfair because the sexy-orc lady was a half-orc so the comparison wasn’t necessary fair.

Glossing over that the poster itself made no effort to convey this, or the politics of , we now have a poster of a full blooded orc woman, Draka.  For reference, this is Draka:

So it seems they decided facially she was perfect, but somehow her outfit wasn’t quite ridiculous enough and needed some more random gaps of skin, less pauldron and what looks like a dog collar.

And well, as for the humans… it seems pretty clear that in the World of Warcraft, the men go to war and the women… wear fancy dresses?

– wincenworks

Left is the original French cover, right is the English localization.

We’ve talked before about how the only people who really understand localization decisions are the people who make them, but this one does make me genuinely curious if someone told them “If you have a sexy lady on the cover, you need a dude with no shirt or else they’ll say its sexist”.

I know it wasn’t they realized the outfit was ridiculous, because six months later they released this cover.

 – wincenworks