Tidy Up Tuesday #22

This week’s tidy-ups:

Yes, we do question why someone who’s intending to die in battle as a form of honorable suicide would prioritize looking like a dominatrix. If you think that death wish is a legit explanation for sexualized warrior ladies, please don’t tell us.

Particularly when the figures don’t even vaguely match the descriptions given by the written fluff (from the wiki because my books are packed and in transit)


To readers (particularly rebloggers and commenters) who are new to our site: before responding to anything BABD says, please acquaint yourselves with our FAQ, the Rhetoric Bingo and our rhetoric tag.

Things we addressed before: 


Tidy Up Tuesday #22

This week’s tidy-ups:

Yes, we do question why someone who’s intending to die in battle as a form of honorable suicide would prioritize looking like a dominatrix. If you think that death wish is a legit explanation for sexualized warrior ladies, please don’t tell us.

Particularly when the figures don’t even vaguely match the descriptions given by the written fluff (from the wiki because my books are packed and in transit)


To readers (particularly rebloggers and commenters) who are new to our site: before responding to anything BABD says, please acquaint yourselves with our FAQ, the Rhetoric Bingo and our rhetoric tag.

Things we addressed before: 


@nightmarelyre submitted:

While Rebecca’s cheerleader outfit seems like a terrible idea during a bio toxic zombie outbreak, I think we can all agree that Billy is empowered for the job

@countaile submitted:

I’ve logged on into my steam account, got a link to the new Resident Evil’s pre-order page with this picture in it, and… May we discuss how refreshing it is to see a girl getting a normal (albeit a tad short) cheer leader costume, and a beefy dude getting this ridiculous belt bikini for his impressive pecs? I don’t really follow this franchise, but if there’s more of this in it, it may be worth following.

While it is nice that the RE guys remembered there is a definite demand for empowered men, it’s kind of telling that they had to give him that over the top gun to remind people “just because he’s sexy, doesn’t mean he’s not badass”… meanwhile Rebecca is literally Capcom’s cheerleader and merchandise model.

– wincenworks

Ahsoka Tano

itmustvebeenthefairies submitted:

Can I just say how pleased I am with the evolution of the costume of Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars television series? I mean, it went from this:


to this:


and now, in the newest series, to this:


I mean, obviously there’s still a lot of improvements that could be made, but it’s still a vast improvement from the tube top and mini skirt she started in.

That is some welcome progression! 

I’d say the fact that Anakin never helped Ahsoka out with her outfit was a sure sign that he was not ready to take on a Padawan learner.


Ahsoka Tano

itmustvebeenthefairies submitted:

Can I just say how pleased I am with the evolution of the costume of Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars television series? I mean, it went from this:


to this:


and now, in the newest series, to this:


I mean, obviously there’s still a lot of improvements that could be made, but it’s still a vast improvement from the tube top and mini skirt she started in.

That is some welcome progression! 

I’d say the fact that Anakin never helped Ahsoka out with her outfit was a sure sign that he was not ready to take on a Padawan learner.
