Hi there! First of all let my say that I love your tumblr 😀 for a whole lot of different reasons (and your bingo is LOVE). Anyways, you’re probably aware that Blade & Soul is getting a western release… D: and they’re organizing a costume design contest! So I was just wondering if maybe, you could relay this so they would receive a whole lot of sexy male armors and practical awesome female armors! :D. and maybe make them realize that something is awefully wrong with their female outfits?
Yikes, this competition is really promoting the idea that they want lots of sexy lady armor – I personally feel that it would be great if people sent them lots of submissions to suggest they should consider practical armor.
This competition does have some of the confusing terms and conditions I’ve ever read, to the extent it’s not clear who’s eligible other than people from inside the United States (some people outside the USA are too… but it’s confusing who).
So while we can’t guarantee that you’ll be eligible for a prize, we certainly encourage everyone to send them an entry featuring a woman in practical armor and a man in empowering attire.

Competition closes on July 9th and must be entered via the email on Blade and Soul’s site.