
BABD has Magic Meat Week this week, while westerners have Halloween tomorrow, a holiday famous for its “sexy x”costumes. So this is Kurkach badly dressed as Sexy-MMO-Kurkach-that-had-no-other-armor-options.

Just in case, we’re still using some Magic Meat Week material on Happy Fridays.
And here yanavaseva’s insight into bikini armor design strikes again!

I really appreciate the subtle crotch-window! Such a nice touch.

Though it needs to be noted that  we didn’t really host the Magic Meat Week (took the liberty to cross that out), we just support it 200%
The initiative was actually proposed and started by amanda-sharpe and heymonster (who also hosts the posts from the tag on magicmeatweek blog).

Here’s hoping the next Magic Meat Week comes soon!


more Magic Meat Week | more sexy male armor