Sunday Sunday Sunday!

It’s time to once again play Female Armor Bingo!  

That wonderful game where we apply seeming ridiculous arbitrary testing to female armor and costume designs, scrutinize the results and… then we cry.

If you’ve played bingo recently and need to share your pain, please be sure to post it on tumblr and tag with “female armor bingo” so we can find it!

– wincenworks

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Artist promotion on society6 ends tomorrow! Get BABD gadgets with FREE WORDLWIDE SHIPPING till it lasts!


Episode 4: Damsels & Dommes: The Fetishization of Female Armor

What do a codpiece and a boob plate have in common?

You’ll have to listen in to find out!

This week’s discussion, as per the awesome title of this episode, focuses on the cultural context of armor in video games — namely, the fetishization of female armor in video games, and really, female armor in general as it’s visually depicted/rendered, i.e. Boobs. Boobs everywhere.

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Music by P.L.X.T.X.

A podcast really worth a listen!

It touches upon many major things BABD talks about, like the double standard in armor design, the uselessness and dangers of wearing a boobplate and the fact that “default” armor is, in fact, a unisex design. It refers back to Ryan “Jabberwock” C’s article on lady armor.


edit: Sorry I forgot to put up some commentary when this reblog first published 🙁


Kid Icarus: Uprising is a game mostly about gods fighting each other so none of the big players are wearing much in the way of armor, mostly swooshy robes, however you do meet two humans in the game.

First is Magnus:

A guy kinda just wearing clothes.

The second is Dark Lord Gaol:

A woman wearing armor that’s incredibly ridiculous but in the exact opposite direction from what you usually get.

I really, really love Dark Lord Gaol’s outfit as an example of a costume that is loaded with personality and expression – but also reads as being a badass suit of armor.  The combination of practical base (metal plates that shield everything vital) and unreal additions (the giant horns, the knee spike, etc) really give it a larger than life fantasy badass feel.

– wincenworks


Ok so one of the stupid justifications for absurd female armour/costumes has is increased agility.
But these costumes so often involve thigh high boots.

I’ve worn thigh high boots (and looked fantastic in them) and they do not make you more agile.
Thigh high boots are nothing but pain.
Pain wrapped around your knees.

Whenever someone questions the validity of the Thigh-high boots square in Female Armor Bingo, I’m going to refer back to this post.
