You play Scarlet Witch, I’m a comic book person so I’m familiar with the character. The character in the films not wearing the outfit I was accustomed to. Is it true you were told right away that you didn’t have to worry about that?
You play Scarlet Witch, I’m a comic book person so I’m familiar with the character. The character in the films not wearing the outfit I was accustomed to. Is it true you were told right away that you didn’t have to worry about that?
As promised last year, here’s the Thor-Wonder Woman bingo! That costume easily qualifies for top 5 of worst things Diana ever wore to fight in. It makes my brain hurt.
I, as a woman, want Wonder Woman to be hot as hell, fight badass, and look great at the same time – the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body. That makes them feel like the hero they want to be. And my hero, in my head, has really long legs.
Because that:
Has TOTALLY the same costuming priorities as this:
With lines like that, maybe Jenkins and the costume designer, Lindy Hemming, aim to be the Mari Shimazakis of Hollywood… Except Diana of Themyscira is not Bayonetta, so “she’s supposed to be very sexy and I as a lady find it empowering” excuses do not really work, even in
I want to be optimistic and am gonna assume that the crew is contractually obligated to endorse every choice made about the movie, no matter how ridiculous it is when you think about it for more than a second.
We had this design on BABD before in form of a figure, but never got around to show the 2D art, which is every bit as amazing (and still my favorite look for Diana)!
Wonder Woman who’s clearly inspired by ancient Greek armor (and hair styling fashion), and doesn’t pose or show skin for the benefit of male gaze – was that ever too much to ask for?