A stroll through our archive reminded me of this post, so I figured it’s high time to bingo the Black Widow!Thor.

As pointed out earlier, seems like costume change for a new wielder of Mjolnir is optional for male characters (neither Captain America nor Superman get one), but obligatory for female characters. And somehow the result is always some fashion sin with lots of focus on boobs and legs.


We’ll get to Wondy!Thor sometime later, we promise.


Can we talk about how Shiklah is “Mrs Deadpool” but they’ve chosen to apply none of Deadpool’s visual branding?  Aside from one decoration on her belly chain on one cover?  No? We’re just going to rebrand the character’s title as a derivative of Deadpool and pretend the battle lingerie is critical?

I mean if nothing else, this is a golden opportunity to have her wear something you can sell as Deadpool merchandise!  I mean you got the Deadpool Bobblehead in there – but this seems like the prime time to be trying to sell everything Deadpool! Pants. Jackets. Shirts. Bags. Things you use to hold your socks up… everything!

– wincenworks

Interestingly, they did it before with actual distaff counterpart and barely even tried.
Lady Deadpool is an alternate universe character in Marvel (and also one of “our” Deadpool’s weird love interests). Who comes  with an assorted ponytail and boobsocks, just in case anyone forgot that she’s Deadpool, except a lady!


And also WTF anatomy, cause Liefeld.

Seems like attaching a male hero’s name to a female character is a seemingly simple task that everyone’s too lazy to put their heart into. Even the new Thor, no matter how well written, somehow HAD to be designed with a boobplate, cause ladyparts, amirite?


Since eschergirls​ recently concluded the caption contest on this monstrosity of a cover, I finally remembered to attempt a Female Armor Bingo on Ember’s, uh, outfit. 

And WOW, is that a texbook example of bingo breaker. Simultaneous sideboob, underboob and boob window alone make it spectacularly… creative
I also put a question sign on a few squares mainly by the virtue of the pure WTF-ness. Like… a tiny bit of her stomach gets to be covered, while the sides of her underbelly are as important to show as boobs, apparently.
Speaking of boobs, despite very obvious focus of the design on them, I couldn’t cross out boobplate either.

And yes, she actually wears that very weird type of wedge heels with a hole through them. It’s painful to look up anything regarding Ember, considering how impossible it is to take seriously the art and design of that comic.


All these stories seem to take place in alternative worlds with magic and where humanity focuses all their technological efforts into developing form fitting “armor” that shows off women’s boobs…

– wincenworks