Quiet apologists have been by far the most tedious defenders of bikini armor, constantly insisting that there is some sort of great artistic genius at work behind Kojima’s design decisions.  It’s always either he’s doing some sort of genius bait and switch (that’s not genius) ploy or somehow the characterization will make up for the costume or (my personal favorite) people just need to spend hundred of hours playing every MGS game to understand the twenty-four minute trailer released to the general public.

No amount of anything is ever going to make up for this, the game hasn’t even been released yet and he’s already releasing  fondle dolls.  Oh, and since I’ve seen lots of guy’s insisting that the Snake doll will be equally fondleable and objectified – No. No it won’t.

At this point, the kindest thing that can be said has already been said on Twitter:


– wincenworks

Feminst Frequency on Quiet | Escher Girls on Quiet | BABD on Quiet


combat boots literally look good with anything

wearing a skirt? combat boots
wearing jeans? combat boots
wearing shorts? combat boots
wearing sweatpants? combat boots
wearing nothing? combat boots

I beg to differ 😉



My boyfriend called me while I was at work to tell me about it. He sent me an email with pictures of this new “soldier” and I had to show the women I work with (also Marines, current or former). We couldn’t believe it wasn’t some sort of joke. One of my coworkers even said, “Oh, yeah; she’ll definitely last in combat so long as she isn’t worried about a tit popping out.

Women in the military interviewed about the portrayal of women in games. Specifically for the quote, Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. Recommending reading the whole thing, as there’s some great stuff in there. (via kierongillen)

For those of you who live under a rock, the female soldier character in question is Quiet from new MGS game.


Hope it’s self-explanatory why actual women in military aren’t amused by her costume design.


A reminder that early in the Metal Gear franchise, female soldiers looked like this:


– wincenworks