

Have you ever wondered how chain mail would feel against your skin on a cold winter’s day?

Duh. Who hasn’t?

Plenty of people haven’t. Particularly costume/character designers who think that chainmail is somewhere between latex and bodypaint in terms of thickness.

They’d probably get along with whoever wrote the quoted sentence and ended up in the slush pile.


Given how often skin tight chainmail has made me cringe at that very thought, I am still amazed someone actually though this was a great way to pitch a book to anyone, let alone a literary agent.

– wincenworks



Have you ever wondered how chain mail would feel against your skin on a cold winter’s day?

Duh. Who hasn’t?

Plenty of people haven’t. Particularly costume/character designers who think that chainmail is somewhere between latex and bodypaint in terms of thickness.

They’d probably get along with whoever wrote the quoted sentence and ended up in the slush pile.


Given how often skin tight chainmail has made me cringe at that very thought, I am still amazed someone actually though this was a great way to pitch a book to anyone, let alone a literary agent.

– wincenworks



Uh huh.


I can see the “heavily” part, but where’s the “armored” part?


Even though apparently there are panties in there, I’m crossing “No underwear” because of the ridiculous negligence in the boob area. I’m still amazed (but not impressed) how popular this cut of boob “support” is in porny-but-not-really designs.


nerdiecake submitted:

*sighs* smh.

Angela Balzac from Expelled from Paradise.

Explaining the half-X: There is no male version of the outfit, but her male companion is dressed, well… normally.

So looked this up… and you really are not kidding when it comes to the comparisons of wardrobe:


Seriously, this is terrible – why do so many people always think of the future as men wearing more or less what we do now and women wearing… stuff like that?  Why not imagine a better future?


– wincenworks

For this week’s bingo, let’s take another look at something that comes from Leap of Faith. Ouch, that one must really hurt!

An… interesting thing about the design is that the lore apparently explains the painful metal bits growing into her flesh with a demonic transformation:

Lost amid the ruins following Blackburn`s Uprising, a black book finds its way into the hands of an Elvish conjurer. The transformation begins as she embraces the dark power growing within.

Okay, so the body horror aspect of sharp metal jammed in her skin is the result of the book’s dark power, I can buy that alright… How does that explain why conveniently she gains an underboob, though? Other than the “evil is sexy” principle, I mean?
