Monte Cool Games: We, the undersigned, DEMAND immediate removal of “Thunder Plains” and all related content from all Monte Cook Games publications current and future, and request an immediate public apology for harm done, regardless of supposed intent fro

Monte Cool Games: We, the undersigned, DEMAND immediate removal of “Thunder Plains” and all related content from all Monte Cook Games publications current and future, and request an immediate public apology for harm done, regardless of supposed intent fro

Monte Cool Games: We, the undersigned, DEMAND immediate removal of “Thunder Plains” and all related content from all Monte Cook Games publications current and future, and request an immediate public apology for harm done, regardless of supposed intent fro

Monte Cool Games: We, the undersigned, DEMAND immediate removal of “Thunder Plains” and all related content from all Monte Cook Games publications current and future, and request an immediate public apology for harm done, regardless of supposed intent fro

While not a bikini armor issue, this is a very important one which relates to the same core problem – complete disrespect for a group of people’s humanity.

In this case it is a case of Monte Cook Games (probably the most influential independent studio in pen-and-paper roleplaying) refusing to respect Native Americans and treat them as people rather than as a racist fantasy trope.  In summary:

It’s appalling that a studio with this much autonomy and influence would choose to perpetuate these dehumanizing tropes and stereotypes then further belittle the people who suffer for it.

As such starshineexx has created the linked petition and we encourage everyone to help out by lending their voices to this cause and let an influential studio know that this just is not acceptable.

– wincenworks

Edit: More information on why this is important in an excellent article here.

Signal Boost: Capes and Whips

Fellow blogger and critic of male gazey media, capesandwhips, has been really suffering financially due to circumstances beyond their control.

A full explanation is up on their main blog – however the long story short is that due to a combination of disability, bureaucracy and plain bad luck they are in desperate need of about $200 before the close of the month.

If you’re able to help and live in the US, it’d be really cool if you could donate some funds via their Venmo (most economic and efficient method):

If you’re not in the US, or can’t use Venmo for any reason, they’re also able to accept PayPal paymentsittousagi@hotmail com

Any help that can be offered at all would be greatly appreciated and directly contribute to keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table.

Finally, if you like what they do and you’d like to help support their writing they have a Patreon page.  Payments are made monthly for each article published, but when you pledge you can set a monthly ceiling to avoid unexpected expense.

– wincenworks

Petition to Marvel for more superheroines

Petition to Marvel for more superheroines