6 RPG Tropes That Need to Die

Dorkly again parodying some obvious absurdities of bikini armors (like double standards and skimpy high level) in fantasy/RPGs… twice in the same comic 🙂 

We always enjoy when skimpy female armor lands on a list of things that games should get rid of once and for all

And, of course, just like in the case of that video list, we recommend steering clear of the comment section, where “Stop complaining about female armors because I like them therefore there’s nothing wrong with them!” dumpster fires are burning.


Thank you Ricky and Morty for illustrating to us that just because you have special feelings for someone in bikini armor, doesn’t mean you have the perpetuate all the problems yourself.

Summer’s outfit is certainly not perfect, but it’s still far ahead but it’s certainly better and more interesting than most we see.

– wincenworks

The creators are quite open about wastelander designs being an absurdist take on BDSM:

A (tiny bit) exaggerated Mad Max parody proves to be a land of equal opportunity in empowerment. 
