A frighteningly accurate excerpt from Cracked’s The Evolution of Fictional Characters by Medium
This reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on what… Hmmm
Frankly, I’d say the penultimate image should give her boots with way taller and less comfortable heels than that. Then again, this comic came out in 2010, FOUR YEARS before the Samus rocket high heels.
Now, we’re well into 2015 and it still stays topical.
It’s a sad world where the parodies are so accurate they might as well prophetize the future of franchises.
more adventures in the disadvantages of impractical armor, wyvern knight edition.
This looks like something for bikiniarmorbattledamage to write about
You know, while this doesn’t help me understand the outfit, it does provide insight into what this move is about:

Here I was thinking this was some sort of sleazy over the top seductive gesture, but clearly she’s just trying to confuse an archer who looks ready to exploit her weakness.
One of her weaknesses.
No seriously that outfit makes no sense.
– wincenworks
bluedogeyes submitted:
distraction by theministryofabnormality
“Whenever you’re creating a character, whatever their gender, ALWAYS ask yourself “why?”.
Why would they wear that?
Why are they standing that way?
Why would they use that weapon?
Why would they say what they’re saying?
And above all else: Why are they the way they are?
Create people – not decorations. Give them stories, personalities, motivations. These things will give you the answers to the questions above and after that you can dress them up”
This comic makes excellent point! If I were looking for a perfect distraction, a dangly one would definitely be more effective than a woman’s belly 😉