



I mean…


so not only is this Boob Armor appallingly ugly, but it’s extra inexplicable when you consider

they clearly goddamn know how to make lady armor without boobs, what the fuck happened?

Thanks to many readers who sent photos of the MCU Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok our way! 

Remembering that Lady Sif from the same franchise always presented as “Stupid Hollywood Bullshit, But Demonstrates That a Completely Armored Woman Can Still Be Sexy AF” and her armor veered on the smoother side of boobplate, it’s sad to see Valkyrie’s breastplate fully embrace the vacuum-sealed aesthetic. 

Is Valkyrie’s role in Marvel to always come in and bluntly remind us that female armor has to have hypervisible boobs

What a spectacular way to ruin an otherwise cool costume design and the introduction of Tessa Thompson, a woman of color, in a role of Norse-inspired character.


This bingo Sunday I decided to be experimental and compare SMITE’s The Morrigan with the character she’s clearly ripped off from… Morrigan. 

The results were quite predictable. The SMITE version hits all the same squares (except boob window, cause that’s way beyond what “window” in clothing is) AND THEN SOME to the point of scoring a very common bingo row.
HiRez’s brand of sexualization is more bland than BioWare’s? Color me unsurprised.

No-one would ever argue the Dragon Age character’s costume is not sexualized, though at least it’s iconic enough to tell right away when someone’s shamelessly copying her. Also she knows what good pants are, that’s some compensation for the bizarre hood-scarf too 😉


So apparently HiRez has revealed their newest addition to SMITE, the Celtic goddess The Morrigan… who looks suspiciously like they borrowed fan art from another character who bears the name Morrigan.  The video does confirm that they at least read the Wikipedia page, but apparently had no concerns to come up with their own interpretation.

Of course, not all her skins revealed to date look like “empowered” fan art of Bioware’s Morrigan.   There’s also one that looks like sexy fan art of Leliana (dressing up as a Dalish elf):


Of course, both are complete with strange woad body art (complete with them treating it as interchangeable with henna) and wear even less than the characters from Dragon Age do, and have zero items of traditional Celtic attire such as  

In summary:


– wincenworks

This… is so far the most shameless SMITE got with a female character design. 

Unlike with Nike who looks like a lovechild of Zarya and Mercy, no-one in their right mind can argue this Morrigan is an original twist on the mythical figure. Or that any resemblance to a character from a different game is coincidental.


Freya from Battlerite totally proves this is a very creative game… she’s such an original Viking/Norse lady with her flimsy bikini top, two Mjolnirs and horned headpiece totally not similar to what Marvel’s Loki wears in their female form

Gotta say, though, from waist down the design would be fine… too bad the artists are firmly in the club of designers who think that Vikings invented either the bikini or metal boob cups.


Dat Ás – the Pin-Up Calendar You didn’t Know You Needed

To balance out Destiny of Ancient Kingoms’ absolute lack of any Norse mythology elements, even though they claim to be based on it, here’s a project which does honor that culture… with male empowerment

Seriously though, apart from Jotun, which is unironically good, this is the most knowledgeable spin on Nordic legends that deserved to be featured on BABD (even if not all of those gods are actually Æsir, I’ll let that slide for the sake of double entendre 😉

Full images can be found in the artist’s dA gallery here.


ht: Daniel