
You: Video games won’t sell unless they’re filled with half naked women

Nintendo, an intellectual:

To be fair, this is a power fantasy even I can get behind. Who doesn’t want to have such chiseled muscles after being asleep for 100 years?


It’s not like we don’t take any issues with female characters in Nintendo games (ahem) or like the company doesn’t take part in most idiotic double standard rhetoric (uhum), but at least they do offer some wholesome family fun male shirtlessness sometimes. 

And to Nintendo’s credit, I still remember when dudebros got mad at them for adding “too many” female characters

to the latest Smash game, such  as Wii Fit Trainer. True SJW pandering in the same game which introduced “jet boot” heels for no reason whatsoever >.>



Hey guys! Check out OSO’s first line based on my Super Smash Bears series! They are currently in production and pre-ordering will be available soon! 😀

Not quite sexy male armor this Friday, but deliberately sexy male redos of iconic video game characters nonetheless.

As we made a point before, a lot of unironic masculine equivalents to standard female sexualization come from gay or otherwise LGBTQ male artists. 

And @bearsionated’s OSO project is no different: reimagining various Super Smash heroes as human bears (stocky, hairy gay dudes).
Now that’s some quality balance to, say, turning pokemon into underclad generic waifus. Except the art is so much better, more creative and varied, even though all characters fit one beauty type!
