Now you can’t convince me that all those outfits with completely random cutouts AREN’T designed this way. Headcanon accepted. 

Fun fact: I tried to reverse google search the whole picture this comes from and the Google’s closest keyword

suggestion was Polish for “sadness”: 


I think this search engine finally achieved self-awareness. 

And I, for one, welcome our new bullshit-detecting robot overlord.


This definitely explains certain designs we’ve featured on the blog.


h/t: @danyren, @emissaryofwind, @whiteraven13






Genderbending cosplay is nothing new, we see it all the time. Usually it’s hot chicks dressed as sluttier versions of male characters, but we rarely see manly-men, like Dr. Teng above, dressed as scantily-clad lady characters.

I’d actually kind of like to see this idea pushed all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum — like dudes cosplaying as super suave and macho versions of half-nekkid chicks. I wonder if the character’s would even still be recognizable.

(top pic via Anna Fischer)

CHECK IT: More cosplay posts on
BUY: Cosplay Made In Japan (Japanese Edition)


I fucking love this!

@bikiniarmorbattledamage some empowering male cosplay and a lovely example of giving men the same skimpy outfits as their female counterparts. A truly wonderful cosplay, if I do say so.

Always open to a sexy male take on Tomb Raider! We had a CG 3D one and 2D colored pencil one on the blog already, so real life version is welcome as well! 

This really is an equal opportunity sexy costume.



You: Video games won’t sell unless they’re filled with half naked women

Nintendo, an intellectual:

To be fair, this is a power fantasy even I can get behind. Who doesn’t want to have such chiseled muscles after being asleep for 100 years?


It’s not like we don’t take any issues with female characters in Nintendo games (ahem) or like the company doesn’t take part in most idiotic double standard rhetoric (uhum), but at least they do offer some wholesome family fun male shirtlessness sometimes. 

And to Nintendo’s credit, I still remember when dudebros got mad at them for adding “too many” female characters

to the latest Smash game, such  as Wii Fit Trainer. True SJW pandering in the same game which introduced “jet boot” heels for no reason whatsoever >.>


Overwatch Halloween adjusted

nibelung2 submitted: 

The reddit user Chattywindow looked at the skins Blizzard gave to McCree (Van Helsing) and Symmetra (naked dragon lady), and made footage of both of them cosplaying each other. I present you Van Helsym and Incubus McCree.

And so the trend of fans swapping gendered Ovewatch character skins continues, this time with the official Halloween 2017 costumes. Nipple rings on Incubus McCree are such a nice touch! And Van Helsym is finally a look Symmetra deserves.

It really is sad how easily modders prove to Blizzard that women do look awesome in non-sexualized outfits, yet official skins barely ever apply to that. 

If fans can do women better in their spare time, Blizzard definitely can do that with their abundant resources. They just don’t want to.


Is the only way for Symmetra to get real pants going to be through fanart?


edit: The creator of those edits, @otherwindow, put them on Tumblr as well: Incubus McCree | Van Helsym

h/t: @pinguminati