



I…. I think I’m going to do this to design my barbarians outfit for D&D….


This is the best addition to my post. Thank you.


The only good way of using that method of costume design – male empowerment! That is some really nice character look. Love how @zestyzelda (tickle-me-hanzo url seems to be snatched by a spambot now) translated all the random cutouts into actual costume elements, like belts and one shoe with open toes 🙂 


I just want to call attention to the half-glove that has a thumb on it but not the rest of the fingers. This is a great and creative interpretation of the shapes. That barbarian’s intimidate prowess is going to be off the charts!




He’s a dancer, so… ? 
My other edits:
Takumi | Berkut | Shigure | Ryoma | Spring Xander | Arvis


@clarissadixonsart answering the important question: What if Fire Emblem Heroes had the same priorities for male character designs as they have for female ones?

Original design, for the record: 


Quality redo, @clarissadixonsart! Thank you for making it and all the other ones! We’ll probably revisit a few some other Fridays 🙂


Now he can show off his beautiful… legs! How empowering~ ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)



president–felix-mendelssohn submitted:                    

a cactus far more water than is needed can result in complications such
as root rot, loss of clothing, squished breasts, and vacuum-sealed

(Seeing as someone just submitted Flower Knight Girl art,
thought I’d submit some too. Poor Cactus deserves much better than

Always remember to care for your cacti, folks ):

Public service announcement: skimpy highlevelitis can be contracted by anyone, including plant gijinka! 

Without herd immunity, the sexsellius germ spreads uncontrollably

Don’t confuse a disease for creative freedom. Inoculate your female warrior characters, regardless their species, with well-designed costumes today, for the better tomorrow.





A gameshow that forces male nerds into the unnecessarily sexualized outfits female video game characters have that they defend as “practical,” and then makes them do agility training

this had sixty notes last night


Invitation to that show should be sent to everyone whose argumentation is worth playing the Female Armor Rhetoric Bingo with.


I think I know what the first round of costumes would include!

And of course, my favorite groin-injuring bullshit outfit

Let the games begin!





A gameshow that forces male nerds into the unnecessarily sexualized outfits female video game characters have that they defend as “practical,” and then makes them do agility training

this had sixty notes last night


Invitation to that show should be sent to everyone whose argumentation is worth playing the Female Armor Rhetoric Bingo with.


I think I know what the first round of costumes would include!

And of course, my favorite groin-injuring bullshit outfit

Let the games begin!


6 RPG Tropes That Need to Die

Dorkly again parodying some obvious absurdities of bikini armors (like double standards and skimpy high level) in fantasy/RPGs… twice in the same comic 🙂 

We always enjoy when skimpy female armor lands on a list of things that games should get rid of once and for all

And, of course, just like in the case of that video list, we recommend steering clear of the comment section, where “Stop complaining about female armors because I like them therefore there’s nothing wrong with them!” dumpster fires are burning.
