Figured it’s time to revisit Dragon Quest III and the female warrior, who, for the low-low price of giving up a breastplate and pants, gained way more awesome hairstyle than her male equivalent!

After consideration, I didn’t cross the high heels square, as the shoes look reasonably wearable and not that different for each gender.

Still, she gets a bingo (for which I have the most appropriate gif at hand):


As consolation, let’s imagine that in this other pic that compares the two warriors, the woman’s expression says “why does he get such an awesome getup while I have to hide behind him to not get stabbed?”.



To me she looks like she’s weighing up if she can get away with stabbing him in the neck and taking his gear…

– wincenworks

leggomywaffle submitted (and Ozzie bingo’d):

Darkewood #3 of 5. A comic miniseries from 1988. Saw this while browsing through a comic section at a pawn shop. The more I look at this the more confused I get. Her bra is drawn in a way that makes it seem like it should be tight, but if you look at the bottom edges, it hangs way over her skin. She’s got a spider on her crotch that I hope is made of fabric and not metal or plastic, otherwise she’s in for some painful times. She doesn’t look too fit to be getting into a fight with the guy there. His little knife there would have a pretty easy time catching something vital. But she looks good (?) so I guess the artists thought it was okay. 

While this title seems too obscure and long-forgotten to simply google the scanned cover, ComicVine came to help. I’m leaving in leggomywaffle‘s photo though, cause it’s still a higher quality image 🙂

She didn’t get a “no underwear” square only because this costume is basically fancy underwear and nothing more.


nerdiecake submitted:

*sighs* smh.

Angela Balzac from Expelled from Paradise.

Explaining the half-X: There is no male version of the outfit, but her male companion is dressed, well… normally.

So looked this up… and you really are not kidding when it comes to the comparisons of wardrobe:


Seriously, this is terrible – why do so many people always think of the future as men wearing more or less what we do now and women wearing… stuff like that?  Why not imagine a better future?


– wincenworks

whereismywizardhat submitted:

Ugh.  Where to begin?

Koihime Enbu is a fighting game based off of a visual novel series, and by god it shows.  Aggressively generic designs left and right, same faced loli versions of historical figures like Saber was going out of style…

I wish this was an outlier

So… we should be legitimately scared that Sakura Fantasy will expand out into other genres.  Presumably with the whole hearted support of those who want to decide what “is and is not a game”.

– wincenworks