So, Darksiders III is coming out in November and of course we’re getting the promo videos and Fury looks… well the kindest thing that can be said is that she looks better than the comic indicated she would.


Naturally this has led to a certain demographic deciding that her appearance is… unsatisfactory and they last year they needed to declare their discontent and declare it representative of “gamers” and alleges that the design above makes her “armored up to the point of being unfeminine and almost no more clearly recognizable as woman.” (actual quote, after having a year to edit it)


I mean…


– wincenworks 

When I first watched that trailer, what struck me most is how SERIOUSLY it takes itself, while having a heroine who looks just. that. silly. 

And gamer dudebros apparently think that THIS is “SJW pandering”, REALLY? Being encased in skin-tight metal, including a boobplate so ridiculous and badly designed it doesn’t even warrant breast support of a basic bra? 

So now, in salty dudebro terms, both this and this is a “politically correct” armor “too unfeminine and no longer recognizable as a woman”: 

