
EdwardGein submitted:

Evelynn from “League of Legends” just got reworked. And it is… horrendous.

Her attire was always awful, and her splash art as well. Reworking champions should give Riot the opportunity to fix some of the generic-babe-material they started with in 2010. But here we are. 7 years later and not a thing learned. Let’s open the history book on this one…

This was her original art:

It represented so much being wrong while retaining not an ounce of appeal, at least to most male humans I know. You should get a spooky vibe, but there was just nothing there. Just spikes and leather and… not even a weapon. And those heels. The character even jokes ingame about the fact that it is hard to move in those shoes. NO KIDDING.

Then, a while ago, they updated the art. To this:

I actually like this one a tad more. The outfit is the same (because only the splash art got changed, not the ingame model) but it conveys at least something. Still not much to characterise or read into and escher-esque. But at least stuff happens and you get an idea how the character is going to play ingame. And she seems kind of lethal or at least unhinged and dangerous, which is more than you can say of most bikini-clad-“no seriously she is dangerous and can fight”-girls in video game art.

But now, they remade the character. New abilities! New story! New background! A fresh new page to change things! Aaaaand… this happened:

No. Nope. I’m done. Why? Why succubus all of a sudden? Why ditch the spikes and go just down to lingerie? Does that make it better instead of even more generic? Why not add a tattoo that says “I am a metaphor for sex, you guys” and ditch the whole effort?

There obviously was reason to change things, and good thing that they noticed that. But why did they take it in the complete opposite direction to make it just plain stupid. I am not an artist, who can point out all the little signs where this went wrong, but the moment I saw this, I was even more done with the game than I already was.

Oh and one of her new abilities is named “Lust Dust”. 

What’s really amusing about the promotional video is that the opening the sinister assassin would suggest that Evelynn is essentially defined by her power of seduction… but then it quickly becomes apparent she’s more defined by spikes:

Now, spikes honestly makes more sense since League of Legends is basically a video game that more resembles at fantasy tabletop war game than a roleplaying game, but apparently someone at Riot Games just really, really wanted to pay an voice actress to record a lot of innuendo lines and pay an artist to draw boobs.

– wincenworks

So, remember that backlash that’s been occurring to the recent Star Wars movies where many individuals of a specific demographic were morally outraged that there were women portrayed as complex characters rather than disposable sex objects?

Well, the Jedi Knight games creating antagonists like Tavion Axmis, who’s overall goal was to be possessed by a long dead (male) Sith Lord, probably helped them with the delusion that media should be made exclusively for them.

Tavion also had another outfit, which is just as horrible… just in different ways:


– wincenworks

@cypheroftyr (twitter | twitch | @ineeddiversegames) provided some screenshots of Eliza, the pre-order bonus character from Tekken.

Apparently they feel that this sort of thing will encourage people to pre-order, even though they’re planning on making her available, apparently as paid DLC, a mere 30 days after release. 


Clearly they think highly of their target demographic.

– wincenworks 

Of course! Absolutely generic pale lady with no unique characteristics other than horns (do any of her features convey that she’s a vampire?) is so totally worth paying upfront for game to make her playable for free! 

Legit business strategy right there.


theshadowbiohazard submitted

I just heard of a new upcoming video game called Battle Chasers: Nightwar which was based on a comic book of the same name. It seemed to be the type of game I would enjoy but first I needed to see if the designs of the characters were good (Bad designs can easily ruin the whole experience for me) so I checked on Gully…


“Wow! That is actually a pretty damn good design!” I said to myself.

Then I checked on Red Monika…


I reacted like anyone who actually has a good amount of brain cells.

How is that you could make one good female character design and then make a terrible female character design in the same fucking series?! HOW DID YOU SCREW THAT UP?!

So based on the promotional materials on their website, Red Monika (gee, her name reminds me of a character to whom she has a striking similarity) is a flirtatious acrobatic pirate/scoundrel type, which really makes me wonder what magical glue she uses to prevent her breasts from falling out. Her boobs also jiggle when she moves, cause that’s totally important when your view of the battlefield looks like this:


I, too, have a sexy swashbuckler character with large breasts, and they wear a sports-bra equivalent even when they decide to flirt and show some cleavage. And they don’t even do back flips in combat.

The lack of creativity here is painful in the most boring way.

But this game is based on an existing property; maybe it’s the fault of the comics that made Monika look this way.


… maybe not.


90s comics was once of those amazing periods in history that’s hard to explain to people unless they were there – I kind of hope that one day Martin Scorsese will make a movie about it.

However Battle Chasers did have a ton of interesting material and a lot of promise – by that I mean the cast who were not generic fantasy hero and generic evil sexy lady.


So, let’s take a look at what they chose for their feature video and  hope that the game creators realize that and don’t think that a classically 90s comic figure and outfit is what made this comic so interesting…

Oh dear.

– wincenworks