Lady Soldiers from XCOM: Enemy Within
I’ve meant for a while now to offer a writeup for the XCOM
games for a while now. My brother picked it up a couple years ago, and I
was immediately impressed with the armor designs for the women soldiers
in the game. Unlike other science-fiction based games, where skin-tight
catsuits and shorts with unzipped jackets over tube tops are considered
effective combat attire, ALL of the armor in XCOM
offers full body coverage for both male and female soldiers. I picked up
a copy from a Steam sale last week and found myself infinitely
addicted.XCOM: Enemy Unknown and its expansion Enemy Within
are turn-based sci-fi strategy games featuring excellent squad-basted
tactical combat on various urban and wooded environments. In Enemy Unknown,
players are in charge of the XCOM Project, a secret multinational
organization formed to combat an alien menace responsible for abductions
and experiments on human subjects across the globe. The Enemy Within expansion
adds a new level of story and challenge with the addition of EXALT, a
secret organization aiding the aliens and attempting to undermine the
XCOM Project. In both games, players recruit, manage, and deploy elite
special-ops units against alien invaders while studying captured alien
technology in order to better combat this unknown menace. As the game
progresses, players are able to research and create improved weapons,
armor, and facilities to better equip their soldiers.All screen captures taken from game play. XCOM was produced by 2K Games and developed by Firaxis Games and Feral Interactive.
It was particularly great since that X-Com’s original game was pretty awesome for not just female armor but also diversity in general. Soldiers were hired with randomly allocated names, nationalities, gender and stats.

I am very pleased that they have maintained this tradition – unlike some other games attempting to emulate the original.
– wincenworks