Seems like League of Angels 2′s marketing strategy is “Shoot our own foot by presenting in multiple examples just how devoid of any creative thought our game is. You’re welcome.”

If that wasn’t enough proof of creative bankruptcy, their homepage is literally playing the Game of Thrones theme on loop.
Yes, they’re SO unimaginative, they don’t care about an inevitable lawsuit from a big media corporation. Not the first time we’ve seen such mentality.

I’m curious what the Chinese ad says.

Until someone proves me wrong, I’m gonna assume it translates roughly to “Pale, Thin, Generically Sexy Lady in Bikini Armor: The Game”.


edit: thanks to @sunnyzhp22 and @cla-w for the translation:

Goddess Alliance
Come and collect those sexy goddesses!!

Well that’s both underwhelming and exactly what I’d expect from LoA. As if turning women into collectibles wasn’t a sleazy idea already, they’re also are not even offering any variety of those angel/goddess characters. Isn’t the point of collecting to have different items with something in common?


Pocket Masters

So, remember that time we proclaimed Pokemon isn’t legible franchise to talk about on BABD?

Someone who seems totally unafraid of Nintendo’s legal team decided to change it with “Pocket Masters”, a game that totally isn’t infringing on anyone’s intellectual property.


@foldablehuman directed us at this shameless attempt at passing Pokemon gijinka as a base for a completely new, definitely creative and not illegal game. Behold the glory od Sandrew and Golbart (original characters, do not steal!):




Yeah… oh and in case you were wondering why someone would do this:


– wincenworks

Pocket Masters

So, remember that time we proclaimed Pokemon isn’t legible franchise to talk about on BABD?

Someone who seems totally unafraid of Nintendo’s legal team decided to change it with “Pocket Masters”, a game that totally isn’t infringing on anyone’s intellectual property.


@foldablehuman directed us at this shameless attempt at passing Pokemon gijinka as a base for a completely new, definitely creative and not illegal game. Behold the glory od Sandrew and Golbart (original characters, do not steal!):




Yeah… oh and in case you were wondering why someone would do this:


– wincenworks


I can’t believe we’re still having this conversation but if you can look at look at the number of revealing and blatantly “sexy” female armor designs, compared the the number of comparable male designs, and then honestly look me in the eye and say there isn’t a ridiculous and offensive imbalance, then your perception is skewed and frankly baffling.

and inb4 upset messages from anyone who genuinely likes the revealing female armor sets, that is literally not my point. I’m happy for you, honestly, I’m glad you have armor that you enjoy putting your character in (it must be nice). The point I’m making here is that we deserve to have choices on both sides, instead of having bare breasts, midriffs, and thighs shoved in our faces on ladies and nothing but bulky coats on dudes.

“It goes both ways” ceases to be a valid argument when there are LITERALLY five times as many sexy/revealing armor sets for women as for men. 

We regularly get people pointing to Guild Wars as a positive example, and while we are happy that it does include some sensible armor for women, and doesn’t limit the cheesecake treatment to women, it still has a lot of issues.

– wincenworks

As an unholy mix of League of Angels marketing and ripping of World of Warcraft, Magerealm inadvertently creates a great example of so much that is wrong with the video game’s industry.

And when I say ripping off World of Warcraft I mean it, someone took the time to apparently work out how to avoid a lawsuit while adding a Panda Monk character class but never bothered to consider a female character that isn’t dressed in some fantasy war parody of lingerie.

– wincenworks

What I find the most amazing about the first image is that, even despite their genericness, the male characters are at least easily distinguishable from each other.

Female characters, though?


They didn’t try to make the bikini armors diverse in any significant way, let alone the characters who wear them. Even the poses are identical!
Are we entirely sure those aren’t just slight recolors of the same exact image?


(ht: nosetothewind94)

It’s one of those designs that makes me think there should be a custom bingo card for it. A bingo that includes squares like “WTF am I looking at?!”, “Over-accessorizing” and, of course, “Extreme racial/cultural insensitivity”.


You know – most designers are happy commodifying and dehumanizing one culture at a time… in this case it’s like they were trying to cram as many as possible into one drawing of a generic pretty white girl.

That’s impressive… in a sickening, terrible kind of way.

– wincenworks

more about exotification in character design on BABD | more about cultural appropriation in costume design 

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