
Some folks asked me to Tumblr yesterday’s DORK TOWER.

Consider it Tumblr’d!

BTW: The line “Boobs don’t work that way” in the comic is a nod to one of my favorite Tumblrs:

Hey That’s us! 

( You’re our favorite too.) 

A perfect breakdown of the excuses for ridiculous depiction of women in comics (and by extent, other pop media), including the all-time favorite arguments like “she’s liberated and/or sexy”.

Congratulations for the always-awesome boobsdontworkthatway for getting a shout out! 😀

It seems worthwhile to bring this one back for Throwback Thursday, since our theme for a the past week seems to have been big name creators who are determined to transform this strip from commentary into documentary.

Though what really bugs me is the creators in this one are actually better behaved than the mainstream counterparts – they’re not calling for a crusade against critics or drawing more deliberately terrible content for attention.

– wincenworks



I literally just read somebody suggesting that the “iron man” in all new all differen avengers van’t be pepper potts because the armor has no boobs….what ._.

But Rose, how can fans possibly believe it’s a G I R L in there if the suit doesn’t have BIG IRON TITTIES?! [/sarcasm]

In case anyone wondered what All-New All-Different Avengers is:


Regardless of who this particular Iron Man is supposed to be, Pepper Potts rocks the boobless Iron Man suit just fine. Ask Stjepan Sejic (seems this artwork was deleted from dA. Here’s it’s copy).


People really need to stop playing their faith in boobcups. They’re not necessary if you have boobs, and by now everyone should know that the boobplate does not guarantee boobs underneath:


– wincenworks

more on Iron Boobs | more on boobplates

edit: found another post about gendering Iron Man’s suit!



I literally just read somebody suggesting that the “iron man” in all new all differen avengers van’t be pepper potts because the armor has no boobs….what ._.

But Rose, how can fans possibly believe it’s a G I R L in there if the suit doesn’t have BIG IRON TITTIES?! [/sarcasm]

In case anyone wondered what All-New All-Different Avengers is:


Regardless of who this particular Iron Man is supposed to be, Pepper Potts rocks the boobless Iron Man suit just fine. Ask Stjepan Sejic (seems this artwork was deleted from dA. Here’s it’s copy).


People really need to stop playing their faith in boobcups. They’re not necessary if you have boobs, and by now everyone should know that the boobplate does not guarantee boobs underneath:


– wincenworks

more on Iron Boobs | more on boobplates

edit: found another post about gendering Iron Man’s suit!

Don’t let the title fool you, Chainmail Bikini is an anthology of comics by gamer women on the theme of being female while gaming.  It covers all kinds of games and all kinds of issues.

The project has already been funded well past it’s goal and only has a few days to go. I felt that given the responses we’ve had from certain… rather negative parties who insist there’s no harm in objectification and exotification, I’d like to give this awesome Kickstarter a shout out.

So, no need to take my word for it – here’s a whole anthology of stories by women.  Plus it looks pretty damn awesome in it’s own right.

– wincenworks