




what the fuck is going on in this

it gets worse

God this is ugly

This is genuinely one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, on so many levels

wOmGaNn…AlWaYs SsExY, mEhN…jObS

@bikiniarmorbattledamage Can I ask for your input on this… modern day wonder of the world?

My reaction to this is



This is exactly the kind of book that made me introduce the bad drawing guides tag (which is an equivalent to @eschergirls​‘ How to Draw Books tag). 

Somehow, this is an even uglier version of that infamous “Body shapes: men and women” chapter and those gems (content warning: extremely sexist and gender essentialist) from books by Christopher Hart (AKA the king of BAD “How to draw” books).

This artwork looks like an attempt at imitating Chris Sanders style of pinup, but with Uncanny Valley effect instead of his deep understanding of anatomy and character appeal.

Oh, the hubris it takes to draw every single female character as contorted fish-faced… thing with giant boobs and ass and then insist that it’s the only right way to design cartoony women, because females be sexy. And also that male cartoony characters should be all angular and ‘heroic’-looking, because that’s somehow inherently masculine. Then to present way more diversity among men anyway


See also: our All the Slender Ladies @femfreqvideo post reblog | the same-y attitude towards female diversity in Overwatch | suspicious dimorphism – when creepy male/female design differences are justified as ‘natural’