Overwatch Halloween 2017

Good news, this time new* Overwatch Halloween skins aren’t lazily whitewashed undead! Hell, Blizzard actually reached out for some GOOD ideas that our contestants had last year and made Pirate Ana and Jiangshi Mei

Why is Symmetra sexualized even as a dragon, though? That skin really could do without reptilian boobs. They even made her dragon feet super strange-looking, because she always needs to be in high heels

Also, why none of the characters released since last year get a spooky costume? It’s not like Orisa, Doomfist and Sombra are any less likely to celebrate Halloween than any other OW hero coming from a culture that doesn’t care about this holiday.
And, most of all, where are the sexy male Overwatch costumes? Do we always have to rely on fan-made content to provide that?


*Unfortunately, as per usual, old skins are available again.

As a child of the 80s I am somewhat confused about why Zarya’s “Totally 80s” outfit is horror themed… I mean… they weren’t that bad.  The fashion was that bad, but I don’t see how it counts as horror.

Also, Blizzard seems to really want to double down on new skins for Symmetra that maximize the panty flash… even if she’s a dragon monster.

– wincenworks




ana amari’s tea time emote


A female character well over 50 that is NOT SEXUALISED AND STILL BEATS ASS!

I’m excited ^^

Oye, @bikiniarmorbattledamage, a positive example among the widowmakers and tracers in that game ^^


It’s very exciting to see Blizzard has started work on making the game that they said they wanted to make shortly after announcing Overwatch!

Ana Amari certainly looks amazing and greatly boosts representation for badass mothers and older women of color though I notice something.

Of her eleven skins: Five show Ana as her glorious mature-aged self, four show her with her face completely covered and two show her as young.  In fact there are zero Legendary skins where you can see Ana’s beautiful older face.

And the skins with her as a young woman don’t really do anything surprising with her, it’s not like Genji’s showing him as pre-cybernetic, it’s just… well:


So while it’s fantastic that Blizzard has started to realize that women in their sixties are dramatically under represented in action games – it’s kind of a shame that they couldn’t commit to it the whole way.

– wincenworks

Ana is a very welcome addition to Overwatch’s cast (heavens know we’re in a desperate need for older women in media, especially games), though I can’t help but notice how, not unlike Zayra, she’s a very safe approach to diversity. While being 60, she’s at the “conventionally attractive lady with grey hair and a couple facial lines” side of old person design.

Also, the fact that Ana’s clothes look very realistic for a sniper make Widowmaker’s hypersexualization stand out even more. With changes Blizzard made so far, they’ve proven a couple of times how they can edit and add things to the game as they please, but are afraid to change all that much


So, just over a year ago we reached perhaps peak hopefulness with Blizzard and their “doing women characters better” game: Overwatch

Now the Summer Games special has come around again and let’s see what they’ve learned about their audience and what they want to see, and there’s a lot of potential, I mean in the new skins along, three empowered men (1, 2, 3):


Or is it with the new skin for the brown woman who got a new skin, Sombra (x):


Of course not, their promo strategy’s opening * is peak predictability:


Yes, apparently Widowmaker needed a shirt with no chest so she could show off her combat bikini and had to also have a garter:


It makes me suspicious that I know who may have overseen the design

Meanwhile Ana has two novelty skins at this point… exactly zero of them make it clear that she is an older woman.

– wincenworks

* Yes I am aware they followed with promoting Junkrat’s skin, in the most boring and unempowering way humanly possible.