Hey there! I’m a woman planning on cosplaying some Monster Hunter Armor next year. I am going to go with the Barioth Blademaster armor. Is it wrong of me to be planning the male version of the armor I like? I picked one with my favorite aspects of the two different blademaster female sets, as well as the fact it has more coverage. I know women cosplay as male characters all the time but I’ve never actually seen a woman cosplaying male armor that isn’t associated with a specific character.

There absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a the version that you like best and/or feel most comfortable in regardless of your gender.

Fev is an awesome female cosplayer and prop maker who we’ve featured on Bikini Armor Battle Damage wearing their cosplay of the male version of Nordic Carved Armor from Skyrim.


The 501st Legion has female storm troopers who wear generic (assumed male) costumes, and some members recently made a custom suit for a little girl who was being bullied over her love of Star Wars:


Cosplaying is about two things:

  • Making/wearing something you want to wear
  • Having fun

That is not to say there aren’t some definite no-nos (blackface, cosplaying inherently offensive characters, cosplaying something raunchy at a family event, etc), but I can absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a non-character specific costume intended for a gender other than your own.

– wincenworks