practice, by Ningbo Jiang
This is one of many “practice” pieces from this artist, and damn! That’s some good frigging practice. ? This reminds me of Evie’s armor from that one Assassin’s Creed game, but less boring to look at from a distance. (Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Evie’s default costume, but to me personally, it only gets Good when you can look at all the stitching detail up close. Is this an unpopular opinion?)
I love the textures and layering going on, and I highly recommend checking out the full-size image. The thing that drew me to this is the elegant practicality of the design. That triangle of red accents in the center of her really pulls it together. The careful choice of which colors to saturate makes the design cohesive, I think. I just really like it, okay?