So it seems Remedy (creators of Max Payne, Alan Wake and Quantum Break) have decided to branch out, rather than making a game about a man who can’t stop narrating about his surreal life they’re going to make Control, a game about a woman who can’t stop narrating about her surreal life…
What’s really ground breaking about this though is that it shows exactly how easy it is for developers to make a female character who can run and gun without sexifying up her design. They’ve even refrained from using her pants to produce gratuitous butt shots in the promos!

And it’s a definite improvement on the last role the voice actress played in a Remedy game… because tactical clothes do not fit like that:

It turns out this stuff was easy all along, all you have to do is think of your female character as a person… who knew…!?
– wincenworks
(Yes her hair is sub optimal but in a game where you have surreal telekinetic powers, I will take annoying but expressive hairstyle over “if no boob, how woman” tops any day – at least the former is expressive of character and can make for dramatic framing/composition)