Re: Demon Hunter redesign
Some readers notified us that redraws which include crotch bulges for characters I reimagined as trans women are fetishistic and transphobic. I should have known better than to depict trans bodies in that way and I apologize sincerely. It goes directly against BABD’s philosophy of not reducing people, especially members of vulnerable groups, to body parts. I promise to do better in the future.
Re: Harley Quinn design deterioration
We have to disagree strongly with the idea that she (or any other fictional woman) needs to show a lot of skin while in combat to express that she’s a sexually liberated character.
As a commenter on one of the old posts on that said, great thing about the original Harley in Batman: TAS was that instead of being a 24/7 femme fatale (like most other villainesses), she dressed and acted sexy specifically for the occasion of having actual sex.

Compare also to our critique of Starfire, another superhero comic woman known for being openly sexual in her private life whose “sexy” costumes make zero sense in context of fighting.
PS: If you can’t find Harley’s original bodypaint skin tight catsuit sexy enough without removing 80% of its coverage, we’re really worried for you.
~Ozzie, – wincenworks & -Icy