The hilarious front line in the tragic war against ridiculous female armor
Month: December 2018
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A while ago, we got a submission of an Aspen Matthews figurine where she only had 2 1/5 pieces of bone armor on. Tumblr flagged the post as adult content, so here’s a picture:
Turns out, there’s another bone armor version of Aspen! This one has more bones, though I would still call this 2 1/5 pieces of armor collectively, since that torso piece is not a full piece of anything, besides Disappointment.
At least she has biceps? Though they seem to be coming out of her boobs.
Greco-Roman mythology follow-up to NorseDat Ás is AMAZING!
Pan/Faunus, Poseidon/Neptune and Dionysus/Bacchus have got to be my personal faves. They look so fun!
You can almost forget that, according to myths, most of those gods aren’t very keen on consent when approaching women and men…
Of course that leaves us with a quiet expectation for equivalent to Dat Asynja coming out sometime later, with goddesses doing some very epic anti-pinup
Thanks to bisexualzuko for leading us to this GLORIOUS comic. A+ example of male empowerment indeed!
This week’s throwback: maybe @staff, in their infinite wisdom incompetence, banned the female-presenting nipples, because it’s only male-presenting nipples that can shoot lasers?
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DC Supervillain Girls
This stream session was devoted to antagonistic women of DC universe. They might be fiends to superheroes, but mostly to wearable fashion.
Star Sapphire
I knew that at some point we’ll discuss the amazingly awful modern costume of Star Sapphire (not to be confused with Starfire, also a DC property), so around the same time we redesigned and bingo’d two equally skimpy takes on the same character.
Managed to find this official concept art for Infinite Crisis game on the artist’s dA account (please do not bully them for doing a commission of a character who already looked sexualized) that looked like a good material to work of off – digital painting that represents quite fairly how she tends to look in the comics.
There were so very little things worth preserving in the original, so I ended up redoing it almost from scratch. First I readjusted her cartoonishly thin figure, made her olive skin a little less ambiguously brown and gave her a bigger nose – she’s more often an antihero than a villain since Star Sapphires got retconned into a Lantern corp, so I don’t think she needs to be white-passing. Also changed her haircut to a less bothersome bob.
Leaving in her white popped collar, I decided to use white detailing to break up purple shapes on her. Little cape with big white trim and lining is probably my favorite original part. When I was done, we concluded that it’s probably still a bit too purple, so I ended up making an alternate version, with dark violet for sleeves and pants, to have the color scheme contrast better.
Completely coincidentally we’re posting this redesign, which turned out a lot like a Ms. Claus outfit, around the Winter Holiday season. But I’ll take Santa Sapphire over Skin Sapphire any day of any season.
This was another one of those images where everything in it was just Bad. (See Valkyrie redesign for the first of these that I worked on.) So, I ended up fixing Starfire’s body too. That’s actually what I started with, because it kept distracting me how she’s doing a T&A pose while being choked. Not sure what the thought behind that was….
After that, I had to redline Blackfire to fix her back and legs, and I got to fixing her… “clothes.” I decided to go with the spikes motif and extend it into a vest. I left some of her abs showing because she’s kind of a cocky lady, and I feel like she’d want to show off a bit. I just think that she’d show off while wearing reasonable clothes.
Her face is one of my all-time favorite edits of mine. I also gave her hair red roots because I think that siblings should share at least a small piece of a design element, like I did with Morgana.
This was definitely a fun redesign. People who were there for the streams may remember that I wanted to make Blackfire trans, but I decided to back down on that, since she is a villain, and I didn’t want that association. We don’t have enough of a track record of non-evil trans ladies here, but there will definitely be more of an effort to change that.
This work may not be finished yet, but it still looks amazing, and I wanted to show it off here. Everything in this design, from the sensible yet feminine hair to the balance of the different materials, works for me. The designs on the armor make me think that this may be a Grey Warden character from Dragon Age, but that’s unconfirmed.
The project page for this has a lot of detail and modeling breakdowns, so I highly recommend checking it out, because there are so many lovely details that are hard to see without the close-ups.
This week we’re revisiting each others’ old designs and making our own versions. There’s more than one way to design a compelling character, after all!
Join us this Winter Solstice at our regular BABD time on Saturday at 10 AM PST / 7 PM CET~
~Ozzie and Icy
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Heroes of Newerth – SEXYFIED EDITION! (NSFW)
We redesigned female Heroes of Newerth characters so many times at this point that we figured it’s the gentlemens’ turn!
I decided I wanted to make a monster-y guy Hot, cause that’s what the people want, so I chose this nameless tentacle-y spellcaster(?) dude. He already wasn’t wearing a shirt, so I expanded upon that by shortening his veil and giving him some rocking abs. I left the ribs despite the muscles because who needs to know how anatomy works when they’re drawing Sexy Things?
I gave him 4 male-presenting nipples, since he is a Monster Boi, as well as a smoother face with a bit of a blush. I also made all of his pointy tentacles rounded, so that he doesn’t have to worry about scratching people when he’s hugging them.
And, of course, I gave him a visible dick that’s only covered by one of his belt chains. No close-ups of that for this post.
Finally, I made his other one-eyed monster, nicknamed Tentacle-kun on the stream, cuter and innocent-looking. After all, this is now a friendly duo of warlock and tentacle.
Judge NON-Dredd
If anyone forgot, casual reminder that HoN’s concept art gallery is a cesspool of plagiarism. How they haven’t yet been stricken with cease and desist requests by multiple IP owners is a mystery to me.
Case in point, this character is so overtly ripped off from Judge Dredd that they couldn’t be arsed to even change his helmet’s visor design – only added a tacky fin-shaped piece on top.
My fixed version got his dreadful (no regrets ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)) expression replaced by a friendly smile. His lips are also now much bigger, softer and made-up with red lipstick, so that the smile reads clearly on such a small head in the scale of the whole image. Also because he’s just secure in his masculinity – I mean, look how he flaunts his body!
NON-Dredd’s original clothes were already borderline bodypaint thin, so it only took repainting them in his skin tone and adding the male-presenting nipples to make him truly empowered. Also, he’s not shy about his junk, therefore no more loincloth – you can see the crotch in all its undetailed glory.
For an added touch, his shoes gained some high heels and the weird smoke coming off his left pauldron is now hot pink – again communicating that he doesn’t need to drown in shades of blue to remember his gender.
One thing I regret is that I haven’t used the giant book chained to his waist to recreate Magilou’s book skirt! That would have been a great throwback to my first stream redesign.
Fire Emblem Heroes has already been getting some flack for their uninspired character design, and this is a good comparison of the changes made to Rhajat for Heroes. Her original design still has problems, primarily the nylon tech this fantasy country seems to have, but the new version (named Virghat) is just so much worse. From the wiki entry on Rhajat:
…It is revealed that her cold personality is a means to mask her loneliness due to being raised in the Deeprealms by herself.
I’d believe that description, given that this was her sprite in Fates:
She’s hunched over, her eyes are in shadow, and her arms are in front of and around herself protectively. But the Heroes design and posture? All I’m getting from it, is generic poker-faced cute caster.
Oh, and of course, there’s a damage sprite, as mentioned in the comparison image.
In these troubling times where our social media platforms must scramble frantically, expunging massive amounts of imagery as the only means to protect us from anything titillating it’s a comfort to know that there will at least be good wholesome content from family friendly companies like Nintendo who make games you can play in your living room or in public without it getting awkward!
As a side none, it appears that they decided to really lean into the damage sprite with her fashion sister, Loki.