astoralexander submitted:
Hi. I hope you don’t mind me sharing my own work. I tried to make these armors as realistic/functional as my minimal knowledge on the subject allowed me to.
Of course we don’t mind! And I love both of these pieces very much.
I’m happy to see Ciri dressed in appropriate armor instead of a shirt that’s unbuttoned right between the boobs (even when they go to a cold place and she wears a fur cloak), and the armor design itself is very nice. [Link to original post with close-ups!] I like that you can see the layering in the gaps. It’s a bit too symmetrical for me, but that’s more of a personal preference than anything.
As for the second piece, that could practically be used as a poster to recruit monster-slayers in a fantasy universe! It’s quite awe-inspiring, and I love your entire line of Classic Arcade Girls.
Thanks for the submission, and keep doing great work!
Star Sapphire in Justice League Doom
@avatarwill113 submitted:
Wow. So she decided “I’m going to wear this pointless half-helmet that offers no protection, but I’m going to expose most of my upper torso, in a way which is hugely impractical for most mundane tasks let alone super-villainy”. Maybe she wants to show off her lack of bellybutton?
Star Sapphire basically never gets a break from godawful costume.
What upsets me the most is that animated adaptations usually veer on the safer (and less physically impossible) side of sexualized superheroine costumes (see: Angela and Dagger), thus old DC Animated Universe Star Sapphire just wore a leotard and thigh-high boots:

The Justice League Doom one is just… ugh.
Legion of Doom, more like Legion of Skin.

Nobody in this team has a bellybutton…
Also, apparently that purple star tattoo is where she stashed her powers. Observe.

Am I the only one weirded out by the casual way with which he just sticks his hand into another person? ( ಠ_ಠ) Not to mention, maybe put the crystal that holds all of your powers somewhere where a person can’t just grab it so easily. Then maybe she could wear a better outfit.
I fucking love Monster Hunter World but this fucking infuriates me
MH have ALWAYS had a sexist issue with how they treat their female armor design, and World hasn’t gotten rid of this problem completely
Oh yeah and that fantasy stripper armor is supposed to be fire resistant
Thankfully a lot of their other female armor designs look really good
*Heavy sigh* Seems like World continues (if not downgrades even more) Monster Hunter’s inconsistency in gender-equal design.
See, this is why we refuse giving credit to costumes in games like MH and Guild Wars 2. Just because the double standard is occasionally avoided, it doesn’t excuse all the rest of generic boob/belly/thigh/butt cutouts that female armor gets and male doesn’t.
Also, this particular one? PAAANK, because how else could we affirm this is supposed to be female character? It’s not like pants were taken away from her already and she runs around in a literal bra and nothing more on her upper torso. Nope, not female-coded enough; needs pink.
Weekly BABD Stream #38
This week, a new challenger appears! What awful armor does it have in stock for our heroes?? <dramatic music>
We are streaming at a slightly later time for once, Saturday at 10 AM PST / 7 PM CET. We’ll post a reminder an hour in advance.
See y’all there ~
~Ozzie and Icy
He’s a dancer, so… ?
My other edits:
Takumi | Berkut | Shigure | Ryoma | Spring Xander | Arvis
@clarissadixonsart answering the important question: What if Fire Emblem Heroes had the same priorities for male character designs as they have for female ones?
Original design, for the record:

Quality redo, @clarissadixonsart! Thank you for making it and all the other ones! We’ll probably revisit a few some other Fridays 🙂
Now he can show off his beautiful… legs! How empowering~ ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
president–felix-mendelssohn submitted:
a cactus far more water than is needed can result in complications such
as root rot, loss of clothing, squished breasts, and vacuum-sealed
pants.(Seeing as someone just submitted Flower Knight Girl art,
thought I’d submit some too. Poor Cactus deserves much better than
this.)Always remember to care for your cacti, folks ):
Public service announcement: skimpy highlevelitis can be contracted by anyone, including plant gijinka!
Without herd immunity, the sexsellius germ spreads uncontrollably.
Don’t confuse a disease for creative freedom. Inoculate your female warrior characters, regardless their species, with well-designed costumes today, for the better tomorrow.
Tidy Up Tuesday #73
Many of you will probably enjoy this recent video by Extra Credits about the badass woman who was also the greatest pirate that ever lived:
When submitting images please, whenever possible, host them on Tumblr directly. Failing that, please ensure any other hosts (Photobucket is a notable, but not only example)
do not block or throttle direct or indirect linking.
@prokopetz wrote an interesting post about suspicious dimorphism, regarding completely different sets of teeth on female and male characters of the same species. It’s a bit too anatomy-specific for a BABD reblog, but really worth a read from character design/world building standpoint. (h/t: @kiashi29)
Things we addressed before:
- Dragon’s Crown’s lady Barbarian
- Our thoughts about supposed “historical accuracy” of bikini-clad Barbarian women
- Our thoughts on male power fantasy: [x] [x] [x]
- This handy chart of suspicious dimorphism
- Superman in sexy costumes: Henry Cavill costume redesign | boob/butt/belly window design proposed by Gail Simone
– wincenworks, ~Ozzie & -Icy