

Historically accurate leggings. Lorica Clothing’s inspiration is straight out of the Metropolitan Museum’s Arms and Armor exhibit.

Lorica (latin for body armor) is funding their leggings project on Kickstarter, and have already far surpassed their goal, which means the leggings are happening. Read more

@bikiniarmorbattledamage I was reminded of you guys when I saw this! Thought y’all might like it.

I remember the last time we featured literal spandex armor clothes (including leggings not unlike those) on the blog. 

Love how those are designed and named after actual pieces of historical armor. Such a nice touch.


for not-literal spandex armor on BABD see: spandex chainmail | skin-tight metal

more fashion on BABD

Tidy Up Tuesday #61

This week… 

Marvel representative decided to blame the rich representation of new characters, particularly women, LGBTQ+ folk and people of color, in their superhero comics as a reason for their recent sales drop. They’re making a bold claim that it’s the readers and retailers who didn’t really want diversity. 

A claim proven unsubstantiated by simply comparing sales numbers and business practices at Marvel in the last couple of months.

Incidentally, we discussed the potential of scapegoating the strive for diversity in media if said media is unsuccessful in our “Go make your own!” article

Things we addressed before:

~Ozzie & – wincenworks

@banette-is-thoughtful submitted:

I was looking at a few upcoming PS4 games coming out this year and I saw this and found this character. Her name is Brunhilde and she is one of the main antagonists in the upcoming game called Valkyria Revolution. Can someone help me understand what am I looking at and why does this exists?


This pic above is a special pre-order image straight from SEGA. Yeah, I as soon I saw these I just had to submit it to BABD. First time doing this, so please tell me if I’m doing it right. Love all of the work you guys do and I hope more people stop designs like these from getting into media.

Sources( valkyria.wikia.com, theplatformer.net, www.segalization.com)

Well the main reason that it exists is that publishers and Creepy Marketing Guy really like this myth that sex sells, because well it’s essentially idea that there’s a magic,  shortcut and that that it happens to allow them to get work to pay for images that appeal to them personally (and may, if they’re lucky, make them temporarily popular with certain demographics).

The other big appeal, commercially, is that if you decide that generic softcore pinups are the precious commodity that will motivate your customer base – you’ve got a fairly low effort product in comparison to say unique designs that integrate into your product’s lore, a character’s individual personality, etc.

The ultimate form of this is, of course: The asset flip.

It’s just a shame that their the games industry can’t put more emphasis and faith into the actual game.

– wincenworks

Bingo: Nowi from Fire Emblem Awakening

FEAnon submitted:


Nowi is a Manakete(Dragon in human form) from Fire Emblem Awakening. Nowi is a controversial character due to her skimpy outfit combined with her young age as a dragon as she is proportionately 14 at most, though the localization makes Nowi act more mature to downplay the controversy.


This is made much more controversial due to the player being encouraged to marry Nowi off to other units and have children which if spoofed in this webcomic. While Now is first encountered captured, it is revealed Nowi made the outfit herself and wears it of her free will.


A Male of the same race and class for comparison.

Anyone up for a bingo?

Bingo you say?


Now, of course, there’s the argument that I’m sure will be coming about it being her choice, or her being a dragon so she doesn’t need protection, yadda yadda yadda.

Ultimately though, it’s very simple: If the most creative approach someone can take to a character concept such as a dragon in human form and decide it’s a “get out of criticism free card” for a worryingly sexualized teenage girl – then it’s safe to say the fluff was never really a big concern to you.

– wincenworks

We referenced AutoBattle once before, but didn’t get the opportunity to talk about their super creative

and totally equal

character and costume designs. 

They broke a bingo, so they don’t get a Vegeta gif.

I’m so moved… the void of absolute fantasy genericness and blatant double standards that Spirit Stones left behind is filled at last!

Apparently that bingoed lady elf’s body, particularly the holes in her armor, were used as a backdrop on the game’s site [source]. 


How classy!
