The New Star Wars Game Stars a Woman and Whiny Pissboys Got Triggered
So we reached another round of a certain entitled demographic crying that (non-fanservice-y) women dare to exist in media.
Somehow it’s like the umpteenth “official” time when the SJWs/feminazis “took over” video games and movies – according to some men whose worldview shatters at a sight of a non-sexualized female lead in a trailer.
Remember when the same thing happened with Dragon Age: Inquisition? Or more recently, with Ghosbusters reboot? The list could go on.
Yeah, dudes, if you continue to act like that someone will totally take you seriously eventually!
As an additional note, while I fully understand and sympathize with the desire to turn various aspects of ridicule back on certain demographics – please do not misuse the term “triggered” like this, it does a disservice to people with actual PTSD triggers and perpetuates their ridicule.
– wincenworks
h/t: @elmutanto-sfw
edit: Since we published the post, article’s title changed “GotTriggered” to “Are Losing It”. Good call, Dorkly.