Okay, so Titan Brawl is really perplexing to me because on one hand I have to say it looks like they’ve made a knock off a knockoff…. hurrah for creativity.
But for the mini-gun wielding heavy… I feel like there was almost an attempt at diversity here, but that it was so poorly executed that it seems more like the result of using a spinner than any attempt to plan a design.
– wincenworks
Halloween Competition – Overwatch Costumes
Halloween Competition – Overwatch Costumes
Competition is officially closed!
A massive thank you to everyone who entered both categories of the competition. We’ve been thrilled with the demonstrations of creativity and enthusiasm for the cause.
Winners will be announced on 24 November.
– wincenworks
So. I couldn’t find any screenshots of Mammon in action, but Trillion: God of Destruction assures me this is a combat themed game and that is what Mammon looks like on the battlefield.
You’d think with all that excess money she could afford some clothes.
– wincenworks
Chandra Nalaar’s costume never ceases to amaze us in how unapologetically it ignores even the most basic things about how armor (or any material involved in making it) works.
Let’s once again list all the nonsense here that goes beyond the usual sexualized armor tropes:
- bared thighs which contradict armoring all the other body parts
- skin-tight chainmail that also includes mail turtleneck
- boobplate somehow placed on top of said spandex chainmail
- loincloth that conveniently never flies up to display her crotch… and doesn’t catch on fire
@starsked submitted:
From Magic Rush: Heroes. Every time an ad pops up, it’s a new cringe.
Given the combination of tagline and imagery… there’s only one appropriate reaction to this:

– wincenworks
Halloween Competition – Overwatch Costumes
Halloween Competition – Overwatch Costumes
Competition closes in just under 24 hours!
That’s 11:59:59 November 20, Polish Time. (clock)
If you’ve been sitting on an entry, we highly encourage you to send it in now.
– wincenworks
Halloween Competition – Overwatch Costumes
Halloween Competition – Overwatch Costumes
Reminder! The Halloween costume competition closes in just under 48 hours!
We are accepting entries up until November 20 and the winners will be announced on November 24.
– wincenworks
i had a lot of fun with this
I genuinely think Camilla and Xander fit each other’s brand of empowerment great.
Especially the crotch hole.