Female Armor Rhetoric BINGO (PDF) by OzzieScribbler (again, yours truly)
I only have one bone to pick with this bingo card, and that’s the “male barbarians also fight naked” part. Part of any fictional world are the many smaller cultures and areas that make it up. If a harsh (hot/humid/insert condition that would make being completely clothed impractical) environment has people living there, and the guys are walking around in loin cloths or just enough clothing to be considered decent, then I don’t think its such a bad thing for women to either. It’s when we have guys walking around comfortably in full plate (well, as comfortable as one could be in it I guess) while women are in the whole chainmail bikini thing that I feel we should cry foul. This is just my opinion of course, but consistency is important. Other than that one block, the rest of this is spot on.
Not to be rude, but…
guys are walking around in loin cloths or just enough clothing to be considered decent, then I don’t think its such a bad thing for women to either.
That’s the thing: barbarian women usually DO NOT walk around in loincloths. They wear fur or metal bikinis (scalemail seems to be the standard). If Red Sonja was dressed like Conan, there would be no problem. THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE
[Please give the artist much deserved love!]
Edit: Added deviantArt link to the piece, in case you guys didn’t follow the link above the picture!